Do you have the next big story? Share it with RealClearInvestigations! There are a few different ways to contact us and provide materials to our journalists, and they are outlined below. Please do not submit comments, pitches, or press releases through these channels.

Quick Submit

This form is the quickest way to send us a confidential tip. Please provide as much detail as you comfortably can regarding what we should investigate and why it is newsworthy. We accept anonymous tips but they are harder to pursue. If you can, please provide your contact information in the message.


If you need to send an attachment, please send us an email. We will respect your privacy. If you are concerned about using your personal email address, there are services that provide private, secure and encrypted email, such as Preveil or Skiff.


Signal is a free and open source messaging application that allows us to have end-to-end encryption to send messages, photos, videos, and calls. Signal keeps only your phone number, when you first signed up for the service, and when you were last active. The app allows messages to self-delete, removing them from the recipient's and sender's phones after a set period of time without retaining any metadata related to the communications.

Add us: +1 (202) 768-7160

Postal Mail

We also accept tips via snail mail. Please let us know if you'd like a response in the body of your letter.
Send a letter to:
RealClearInvestigations Tips
1725 DeSales Street NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036.