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The impressive blitzkrieg of lies mounted by Democrats Jamie Raskin, Daniel Goldman and AOC during Wednesday’s hearing shows just how high the stakes remain for the president as the Republican-controlled House begins to unravel the deceptions. Quote:


... [T]he only option available to Democrats running cover for the president on the committee Wednesday was to try to rebrand the laptop and debunk The Post’s reporting. But the only way to debunk a true story is to lie, which is precisely what freshman congressman Daniel Goldman [left] boldly tried to do. 

“Right off the top, the very first paragraph of this so-called bombshell story is completely false,” he said, gesturing grandly at the giant blown up copy of the Post’s front page from Oct 14 2020 sitting on an easel behind Comer. 

“The very first paragraph says Hunter Biden introduced his father to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company. 

“That is false, 100 percent false.” 

Comer interjected drily: “Is the gentleman sure about that? 

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Photo, top: Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin (left) and Republican Rep. James Comer during the House hearing (AP).
Photo, inset: Democratic Rep. Daniel Goldman (AP).
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